Two older adult couples , looking happy with a palm tree in the background

Help With Your Health 

Free 1.5 hour interactive health education workshop sessions to help you better manage your health. Sign up for the sessions that interest you! 

Register Now


Preparing for your Medical Appointment

  • How to prepare for a medical appointment- making an agenda
  • What to do during a medical appointment
  • Ask Me 3 – Good questions to ask the doctor

Understanding Food Labels

  • What are our food buying habits?
  • How do we know what we should be eating?
  • Why marketing makes good choices difficult
  • What can we do to eat healthier
  • How to read food labels

Understanding your Medication

  • Challenges with medications
  • Importance of medications
  • Tips on taking medication safely
  • Why a personal record of medication(s) is important
  • Simplify taking medications

Practical Planning for your Health

  • Managing our health through the Five Domains of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Social
  • Video- Arthur’s Journey an inspirational success story
  • Making SMART goals and putting them into Action Plans

Understanding Blood Pressure

  • What is blood pressure?
  • A closer look at our heart
  • Blood pressure numbers explained
  • Video on how blood pressure works
  • Eight tips for how to take control of high blood pressure
  • Medication for high blood pressure

Understanding Joint Pain and Back Pain

  • How prevalent is chronic joint pain in Canada?
  • What are the different kinds of arthritis?
  • What to do to manage arthritis
  • Video explaining back pain
  • Interesting facts about back pain
  • When to seek professional help
  • Treatments that work and treatments that don’t work

Understanding Digestion

  • Interesting facts about our digestive system
  • What can go wrong with our digestive system
  • Video about Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • The role of fibre and probiotics


Understanding Stress and Sleep

  • Myths about sleep
  • Tips on how to get a good night’s sleep
  • Common signs of a sleep disorder
  • Video on stress
  • How to manage stress



Senior man smilingWorkshop Registration

If you would like to look for a Help With Your Health workshop in your area, go to Help With Your Health Workshop Registration or call 1-866-971-5545 for more information.



Get In Touch

1 (866) 971-5545