nurse speaking with mother and son

Workshop Prerequisites

Please review the below workshop prerequisite


Choices & Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviours (C&C) - no prerequisite


Brief Action Planning (BAP) - no prerequisite however C&C strongly recommended 


Patient Focused Visits:  Collaborative Agenda Setting and Health Teaching - prerequisite:  C&C and/or BAP


Discussing the Benefits of Changes: Elliciting Change Talk - prerequisite:  C&C and/or BAP


Engaging Patients Effectively:  Working with Pre-contemplators - prerequisite: C&C and/or BAP 


The Art of Enhanced Reflective Listening - prerequisite: C&C and/or BAP


Rolling with Patient Resistance - prerequisites: C&C and/or BAP and The Art of Enhanced Reflective Listening 



Putting it All Together - prerequisites:  C&C and BAP and Patient Focused Visits:  Collaborative Agenda Setting and Health Teaching and The Art of Enhanced Reflective Listening and Discussing the Benefits of Change


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1 (866) 971-5545